Academy: Live! [v0.05  Alpha] By passhonQ

Academy: Live! [v0.05  Alpha] By passhonQ

passhonQ Games released a new game called Academy: Live! and the version is 0.05 Alpha. The game’s story is about Academy: Live! is an adult game that takes place in ReLive Academy. A place with an interesting secret about it. Take the role of the Principal of this Academy as you manage how it’s facilities work and how the teachers present their classes. And most importantly, get to know the students that attend the Academy and interact with with them.​

Developer: passhonQ
File Size: 2.27 GB
Version: 0.05 Alpha
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Languages: English
game details

Game Version Changelog:

v0.04 Alpha

  • 715 New Renders
  • 7 New Animations (12 if you want to count the different camera angles)
  • 4 New Events (2 Main Events, 1 Haruka Event and 1 Suzu Event)
  • Around 10.000 new words (I kinda lost count a bit)
  • A WIP screen about the ‘Weekly Report’ and ‘Weekly Decay’ Mechanics that will be implemented soon

v0.02 Alpha

  • A continuation to the introduction of the Academy.
  • A Gym event with the P.E teacher and some of the girls attending that class (3 variations to that scene, with a different choice of girl for each variation).
  • An encounter with Ayumi and some of her old acquaintances that will reveal more about her.
  • You will meet Satoe, one of the teachers from the Academy that has some harsh methods to keep the students in check.
  • A Photoshoot event in which Maiya will be present, and the protagonist will have some interaction with her.
  • Finally, a long and detailed encounter with Haruka at your office. (This event is dependable on whether or not somethings have happened during the play of this game version. Tip: Give a ‘Strike’ to Haruka!)

All in all, this update contains:

  • 1131 new renders
  • 6 new animations (3 of those have multiple angles)
  • Around 9000 new lines of code

v0.01 alpha Release

Game Images & Screenshots


Academy: Live! [v0.05  Alpha] By passhonQ

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