Life’s Payback [v1.4] By Vinkawa


Vinkawa Games released a new game called Life’s Payback and the version is 1.4. The game’s story is about Life’s Payback is a game where you take your revenge on life. Everything was going well until an unprecedented economic crisis turned your daily routine upside down. You were living on your own but had to return to the family home against your will to excel at school, which is now the condition for your family to receive financial aid from the government. However, given the way you’ve been treated in the past, you decide that everything comes at a price…​

Developer: Vinkawa
File Size: 4.74 GB
Version: 1.4
OS: Windows, Linux
Languages: English
game details

Game Version Changelog:


Hey guys, first of all I hope you all had a great Christmas!
This break did me good, I’m excited to work on Life’s Payback again.
For this update I’ve decided to compensate Lilianne, who’s been left behind with only a few scenes for too long.
Therefore, the v1.4 is all about her, so I suggest you skip this update and wait for the v1.5 in 14 days if you’re not interested in Lilianne’s character.

The thing is I wish I could delay the update a bit more because it feels a bit short, but I think it’s better to release a short update now to realign with the update schedule.

Anyway, I hope you’ll like it.

Sub Goal before F95 leak : 24

Android (Edit : apparently, you can delete the old game and install with my v1.4 updater, it will keep your old saves, so you don’t need to do what’s written below):

  • I didn’t have time to code a function for Android users to transfer their save files. If you lose your save when playing the v1.4 on Android, try the following :
    go to Android > data > com.lifespayback > files > saves > copy the “.save” without “auto”, paste on another folder, install the update then paste the save on the previous folder

Lilianne :

  • Moderate rework of her story. Therefore, your influence points of her have been set to 0.
  • To prevent any bug, do not load a save where you’re currently interacting with her.
  • Replaced the low quality animations with the following new ones, to match the current game’s quality.
  • 3 scenes including SFW events.
  • 1 scene including 1 animation with 2 speed options and 2 angles
  • 1 scene including 1 animation
  • 1 scene including 1 animation
  • 1 scene including 4 animations, 2 of them being transition animations
  • 1 scene inluding 2 animations
  • 1 scene including 1 animation and 2 angles

Miscellaneous :

  • Corrected the punctuation to match the English language, by removing the spaces before question and exclamation marks.

Developer Notes:

The dialogues and the grinding are pretty linear because I wanted to show you a preview of the animations with that first release. Be sure that both will be reworked and improved for the next versions. If you faced any bug/issue, please contact me on Discord, I will fix it asap

Game Images & Screenshots

Life’s Payback [v1.4] By Vinkawa


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