Golden Novels Games released a new game called Winds of the Destiny and the version is 0.11.0. The game’s story is about Few manage to be masters of their destiny. Many give in to duty, others try to rebel and fail in the attempt. What will be your case? Dare, find out. You could say you were leading a normal life, but you always felt different from the rest. You returned from Canada to your hometown after Mom passed away. But everything changed radically the day you met Ceina, (ex) Queen of Heaven.
What does your help ask to stop his sister, his counterpart, Satanichia. To do this, you must train and strengthen your powers in a very unique and erotic way. While you continue working in an exclusive Women’s Academy, and caring for the little family you still have. Will you be able to fulfill your destiny? From protecting the people you care about? Which path will you choose?
Developer: | Golden Novels |
File Size: | 1.87 GB |
Version: | 0.11.0 |
OS: | Windows, Linux, Android |
Languages: | English |
Game Version Changelog:
- 570 new renders
- 27 animations SFW
- 6 animations NSFW
- 2 new scenes replay (Erika, y Jill)
- New unlockable images (Erika, y Jill)
- Updated the Fan Arts gallery
- Music and sound effects
- New “reward” at the end of the tests. There is now a button that redirects you to the chat with the character in CharacterAI
Developer Notes:
I’m Vermelion, creator of “Winds of the Destiny”, my first project as a visual novel for adults. About me: I currently reside in Argentina, a country with a very unstable economy. My childhood dream was to create video games. Tell fascinating stories that attract and generate various emotions in the players, and perhaps leave a teaching. At the moment, I don’t have much financial support. Which limits me when making my ideas, since the PC he used is very bad. Creating any type of video game requires a lot of time and dedication, if I do it with passion, my goal is to achieve an approximation to perfection. Future: All the money raised will be used to improve my working conditions.
First, finish “Winds of the Destiny” to start another project with new improvements. And perhaps, in the distant future, create a game with original art. Hiring an artist. “Winds of the Destiny” was created using the Koikatsu / Koikatu illusion software for their illustrations. IS IT NECESSARY TO START A NEW GAME? Answer: This is what I recommend in order not to have any kind of error during the game. If you want to load a game and play the new content, you can do that, but I don’t know (as I don’t remember all the changes I make when programming) if errors will occur. Remember: in Android you must accept the permissions so that the saves are automatic and can be transferred better to future versions . It will be necessary to have at least 2.5GB free on our mobile, to avoid any type of error when installing the apk.
Game Images & Screenshots